The Road Trip

I missed in writing for more than a week. I went to Australia again last week. It seems that I am really falling in love with the country. With the nice empty country side road, with the nature, the national parks, the beaches, the hills, the animals and the drivings.

Although the trip that time was quite short, it was still really enjoyable. I couldn't find similar experience in Indonesia and nonetheless in small Singapore. One of the experience that I like in Australia is when you are outside in the middle of forrest, there is a time when no other sound except nature sound. Your ear feels so weird because it is not getting used for not hearing any human made sound. But at the inner you are feeling so peaceful and relaxed.

As many other previous trips, one of the following up goal after returning safely is to write a journal, a blog or a book after that. But I don't know why, I still couldn't put a strong commitment on that.

Couldn't wait for the next trip to a place we haven't decided yet. But it should be an interesting road trip and hopefully the next time weather will be with us.