Journal D-0

Update: Previously I planned to have different blog installation that consists my journal. But at the end I am thinking to simplify my life and I will just put everything here.

I have completed the setup this blog since sometime. I have been thinking to start writing on it for several times and only now I have quite strong urge for not delaying further.

The aim of this blog as the subdomain suggest is to log my daily journal. I got strong motivation to write here after reading an excellent book by Hal Elrod. One of important point he introduced in the book is to write anything everyday. With this I am trying to apply his wisdom.

Learning from past experience actually I feel not confidence that I could be consistent in writing here. But since I feel too tired with my stagnant life, I have to force myself with some minor discipline at least by pouring my mind in someplace like this.

Today is public holiday in Singapore that celebrates its national day. Let me try to count today as the new beginning.

I am planning to read these books in this week:

  • Getting Things Done - David Allen
  • RabbitMQ in Action

Start from this week too I am trying to focus on 2 or 3 books instead of jumping around on plethora books that usually I did.

Other breakthrough that I also will attempt is, again to implement one of principle from Miracle Morning, to wake up early every day. I have tried with some failed attempts. But let me try again to push the motivation.

That's all for today.