Getting Your Head Around Tower of Hanoi

In these past few days I have been learning recursion in attempt of refreshing my algorithms knowledge. Tower of Hanoi is an interesting practical example of recursion. Only after few hours today, thanks to this video, I can quite grasp the concept of it better. I am writing it here for my own reference.

As wikipedia description, Tower of Hanoi is mathematical game/puzzle. The game consists of 3 rods, we can call it left (L), center (C) and right (R).


In each rod we can 1 or more pegs. The goal of the game is to move pegs from L to R. However there are some restrictions:

  • Only one disk can be moved at a time.
  • Each move consists of taking the upper disk from one of the stacks and placing it on top of another stack i.e. a disk can only be moved if it is the uppermost disk on a stack.
  • No disk may be placed on top of a smaller disk.

Let us see the simplest example. Tower of hanoi with only one peg.

Initial State Tower of Hanoi of 1 Peg

Initial State Tower of Hanoi of 1 Peg

Since there is only one peg, we can just immediately move it from L to R.

Final State Tower of Hanoi of 1 Peg

Final State Tower of Hanoi of 1 Peg

I am going to use this following notation to describe the step in Tower of Hanoi: <step number>: <peg>, <from>, <to>. Peg will be numbered from 1 to n, where 1 is the smallest peg and n is the largest peg. For first example above, the final state of the tower can be achieve only in 1 step:

1: 1, L, R // move peg number 1 from L to R

Next is example of Tower of Hanoi with 2 pegs:

Initial State Tower of Hanoi of 2 Pegs.

Initial State Tower of Hanoi of 2 Pegs

Step 1
Step 1

Step 2
Step 2

Step 3

Step 3

Steps taken for Tower of Hanoi with 2 pegs described above:

1: 1, L, C
2: 2, L, R // largest peg 
3: 1, C, R

Next I will directly present steps needed for Tower of Hanoi with 3 pegs:

1: 1, L, R
2: 2, L, C
3: 1, R, C
4: 3, L, R // largest peg
5: 1, C, L
6: 2, C, R
7: 1, L, R

Then 4 pegs steps:

 1: 1, L, C
 2: 2, L, R
 3: 1, C, R
 4: 3, L, C
 5: 1, R, L
 6: 2, R, C
 7: 1, L, C
 8: 4, L, R // largest peg
 9: 1, C, R
10: 2, C, L
11: 1, R, L
12: 3, C, R
13: 1, L, C
14: 2, L, R
15: 1, C, R

Although might not be immediately visible, but steps taken for Tower of Hanoi with more pegs consists step taken for fewer pegs Tower of Hanoi.

1: 1, L, R // move largest peg from left to right

Step number two in 2 pegs tower of Hanoi below, basically same like step number 1, in 1 peg Tower of Hanoi above. In 1 peg tower, largest peg is peg number 1 and therefore in 2 pegs tower, largest peg is peg number 2. If scroll up to 3 pegs tower, we also can see peg number 3 will be moved directly from left to right.

1: 1, L, C
2: 2, L, R // move largest peg from left to right
3: 1, C, R

Looking from 2 pegs tower above, there is also important step that always happen for Tower of Hanoi that has more than 1 peg. We need to move peg to 'parking' rod to honour the restriction of No disk may be placed on top of a smaller disk.

1: 1, L, C // park peg 1 from L to C
2: 2, L, R // move directly largest peg to final destination R
3: 1, C, R // move peg 1 from parking rod to final destination

To give a stronger example, for 3 pegs tower below, the pegs movement consists movement that happens in 2 pegs and 1 peg tower.

Step 1 to 3 are like 2 pegs movement. These 3 steps will try to park peg 1 and 2 from L to C
1: 1, L, R
2: 2, L, C
3: 1, R, C
at the end of step three, peg 1 and 2 will be parked temporary on rod C

4: 3, L, R // this is like 1 peg movement directly from L to R from source to destination

Step  5 to 7 are like 2 pegs movement as well. These 3 steps will take peg 1 and 2 that was parked at rod C to rod R the destination.
5: 1, C, L
6: 2, C, R
7: 1, L, R

Observing from its characteristic we can derive the Tower of Hanoi algorithms. For input we have number of pegs n, start rod which we assign to L, destination R rod and parking C rod. The signature of the method will look like this:

void towerOfHanoi(int n, char start, char destination, char parking);

As recursive algorithms, we need to know the base case, which it will be when peg number 1 is passed to the method.

void towerOfHanoi(int n, char start, char destination, char parking) {
  if (n == 1) { // the base case
    System.out.println(String.format("%d, %c, %c", n, start, dest));
  } else {
    // recursive block

By only having base case above, we can try to call the method with only 1 peg:

towerOfHanoi(1, 'L', 'R', 'C');
1, L, R

However we couldn't call the method for n > 1 because we haven't implement the recursive block.

I am pasting the 2 pegs movement again here, to help us implement the recursive block.

1: 1, L, C
2: 2, L, R 
3: 1, C, R

In n pegs of tower of hanoi, step 1 is when we move peg (n-1) from start to parking (parking becomes destination). Step 2 to move peg n from start to destination. Step 3 to move peg (n-1) from parking to destination. This can help us implement the recursive block of unfinished method above.

void towerOfHanoi(int n, char start, char destination, char parking) {
  if (n == 1) { // the base case
    System.out.println(String.format("%d, %c, %c", n, start, destination));
  } else {
    towerOfHanoi(n - 1, start, parking, destination); // move to parking
    System.out.println(String.format("%d, %c, %c", n, start, destination));
    towerOfHanoi(n - 1, parking, destination, start); // take the peg from parking to destination

It will take sometime to get your head around recursion such as this Tower of Hanoi example but it will be an enjoyable journey. Although I aim this for my own personal note, I will be grateful if others can find this useful.